The Brand

Our Story

At Meta H2O, we've founded our enterprise on the scientific merits of promoting healthy hydration for all individuals, catering to both everyday consumers and athletes in need of performance-assisted hydration. Our unwavering dedication lies in delivering a superior product that hydrates individuals, drop by drop. As pioneers in the field, we are resolute in leveraging cutting-edge technology and sustainable practices, fostering growth and co-branding opportunities both locally and globally. Our team persistently explores innovative avenues to enhance what is already a flawless product, cementing our position as industry frontrunners.

Non-Profit Organization


Your contribution can significantly transform the lives of individuals coping with ALS. Together, we can amplify our impact by encouraging your circle of friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances to participate in our mission, campaigns, and initiatives. By fundraising alongside your loved ones, you can help us accelerate the journey toward uncovering novel treatments and ultimately finding a cure for ALS.